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期刊 : Cancer Research 2007;67(19):9035-9038.篇名 : Fetal Microchimerism in Women with Breast Cancer此期刊為美國出版(http://cancerres.aacrjournals.org/)除非您有買期刊或網路版
否則不會有全文資料 以下附文章摘要供您參考 :Fetal microchimerism (FMc) describes long-term persistence of small numbers of fetal-derived allogeneic cells in the mother. Although FMc has been implicated as a mechanism of autoimmune disease
it may confer a beneficial effect with immune surveillance of malignant cells. We hypothesized that allogeneic FMc imparts a protective effect against breast cancer. Two observations provided a rationale for the study hypothesis. First
allogeneic cells convey risk reduction for recurrent malignancy in hematopoietic cell transplantation. Second
reduced risk of breast cancer is well recognized among parous compared with nulliparous women. As an initial test of the hypothesis
we investigated 82 women
35 with breast cancer and 47 who were healthy
for male DNA in peripheral blood
presumed from a prior pregnancy with a male fetus. The prevalence and levels of male DNA were determined by real-time quantitative PCR for the Y chromosome